Recently retired from Moses Lake High School, Brooke taught many years of APUSH to juniors. As History Department Chair, he was instrumental in the addition of four new AP History courses to the curriculum at MLHS (Government, European, Macro Economics, and Human Geography). Brooke also taught APHUG to freshmen for eight years, in addition to APUSH. Brooke was the Varsity Knowledge Bowl coach and served as Key Club Advisor at MLHS. His 2016 and 2017 Knowledge Bowl teams were state champions.
Brooke has been a College Board APUSH exam Reader since 2001, becoming a Table Leader in 2011. He has been a College Board Consultant since 2001, teaching workshops in Washington, California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii, Idaho, Alaska, Utah and Colorado. Brooke believes that even master teachers can learn from their peers; and he encourages professional growth through sharing of lessons, strategies, and experiences. Brooke enjoys traveling, reading spy novels, and supporting the Seahawks, Mariners, and Washington State Cougars. He and his wife Mary have two grown sons and a multi-ethnic rescue dog.
• To provide students with the analytical skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials in United State History.
• To familiarize participants with the continuum and flow of the US history curriculum from early settlement to present
• To familiarize participants with hands-on instructional methods and time management strategies necessary to successfully prepare students to pass the AP* Exam.
• To familiarize participants with interesting and meaningful individual and group assignments for students to complete throughout the year.
• To familiarize participants with the entire U.S. History Exam, how the essay parts are graded, and successful review techniques
All participants will need:
• an activity or teaching strategy to share with the other participants
Course Outline:
• Discussion on the nuts and bolts of an AP class.
• First look at the curriculum
Day 2
• Begin looking at activities for the classroom
Day 3
• Work with grading of the Long Essay and DBQ
• Continue activities
Day 4
• Look at review for test
• Look at multiple choice questions and short answer questions
• Share activities
• Tie everything together